Belonging is a journey through the Celtic Wheel of the Year. It is a year-long, soul led, Celtic wisdom program and a call to return to our roots and reclaim our wise heritage and a reconnection to land and lineage. It is for all those who long to awaken the ancient pulse of life, mystery and magic that moves through you and all living things.

To learn the Celtic Wheel of the Year is truly transformational as it changes the way you see, not only for the year in which we will journey together but for each spin around the sun thereafter. 

We will weave together fact, fable, folklore, herblore, mythology, astrology and anthropology. We will learn the cosmology and mystery teachings of the ancient customs and traditions of the old gods and the nature based practices of our ancestors from the Celtic isles. This is a living and embodied wisdom wake up, that is not just another course, but a whole new way of being and belonging.

There ‘s a calling inside so many of us, to reclaim our roots and connect with the spiritual traditions of the lands we are from and the wisdom of our ancestors. 

Do you hear it, too?

The call to be of the depths and not just of the times?

That whispering within that already knows the gifts that you uniquely hold and yearns for you to use them,

That trusts your ability to heal and hold yourself as you respond to the call of your soul,

That longs to reconnect to the magic of the earth and the stars, that has always  moved you and moves through you.

That hungers to discover the truth of who you truly are. Beyond all that you’ve been taught to believe and what’s more, be able to live unapologetically as that truest expression of yourself.

Beyond the family traumas and systemic wounding that has impacted your lineages for generations.

Beyond the ancestral burdens that have inherited and instead reclaim your roots and connect with the wisdom of the ancestors.

To voice which calls you to live from the ancient pathways pulsing through your heart.

That is inviting you to remember your way home to your own belonging. 

Displacement, colonisation and the Patriarchy may have tried to wipe out this ancient remembering of land and lineage but the pulse of source, nature, the ancestral way is life itself and can never be destroyed.

Let it no longer lie dormant in you.

Let’s do it together.

I wish I had had a support network as I was initiated on this path. 

It is for this reason I have created Belonging so I can really share the wisdom of the Celtic tradition and guide you back home to yourself and your own remembering of your own roots.

This is the soul led personal and professional development program that we need right now.

Belonging is the only certified Celtic Wheel of the Year program in existence.

Working within the framework of the ancient Celtic calendar we will come together to celebrate eight Celtic festivals throughout the year. This includes 4 earth and 4 solar festivals (the solstices and equinoxes).  You will learn how to embody the wisdom and mythology of nature based living and deepen your connection to the ancestors and Celtic Mythology so that you can create your own rituals and live a life that feels true and aligned.

Each masterclass will dive deep into the heart of the Celtic festivals and the energies of that particular time of year. We will work with themes of vision, creativity, purpose and belonging and invite some amazing guest teachers to join us along the way. 

There are 2 ways to journey

through the Celtic Wheel of the Year with Belonging:

  • Belonging Online Celtic Wheel of the Year masterclasses

    Includes 9 online masterclasses bringing together fact and fable, mythology, astrology, anthropology and mystery of the ancient customs and traditions of the old gods and nature based practices of our ancient ancestors of the Celtic isles.

    The option to join additional group meet ups throughout the year to visit sacred sites, tend the land and engage with the seasons in kindred community.

    Reflection and ritual: We will engage with journal prompts and culturally appropriate rituals to enquire into the deeper meaning each turning point in the season holds and imbue meaning and purpose and a sense of the sacred into our contemporary lives.

    Meditation: Deep restorative dream time practices + recordings that will deepen and integrate the teachings working with the subconscious through yoga nidra journeys

    600 pages + Journeybook : packed with mythology, folklore, Celtic Wisdom teachings, ancestral weavings, hedgerow and folk herbalism, ritual ideas, journaling prompts and so much more.

    All calls are recorded to listen to in your own time and you will receive these and all audio recordings and journeybook instalments to download and keep indefinitely so that they may support you for many more years to come.

    Community: An incredible online community that will support you throughout the year and who might just become life long friends.

    This option is perfect for those in different time zones or who are not able to travel to in person events but would like to connect to their ancient European ancestry. As well as for those who would like the option to review calls and content in their own time as well as those with time or financial limitations to still be able to come home to their own Belonging through these teachings (over the years we have people from the United States, Canada and across Europe, Scotland, Wales, England and Ireland join the online program).

    Only £333 for the whole year.

  • Soul Mentorship: Online masterclasses + 1:2:1 mentoring sessions

    This option includes everything in the full program with the addition of 8 x 1 hour private mentoring sessions, utilising my skills as a coach and soul mentor on your own unique life’s journey.

    I know life gets busy and that even our best intentions can fall to the wayside so this option is perfect for accountability. I will draw out the threads of Belonging for your own unique path, whether you’re already a leader or you desire to be or simply for your own personal development to live a life that feels deeper and truer.

    Investment: £933 for the whole year (and the most affordable way to work 1:2:1 with me at a £280 discount).

The doors for the 2024/25 spiral are now open for registration

Belonging is for those who want to weave ancient wisdom into their lives

Live more intentionally, on purpose and in community with like hearted people. 

Belonging is for those who:

  • Yearn to find their unique sense of "at homeness" within themselves and the world.

  • Are tired of superficial and surface level living and want to go deeper in their soul work and sense of meaning in their lives.

  • No longer want to appropriate the practices of other cultures and long to connect to their Celtic roots and the indigenous traditions and spiritual practices of Europe.

  • Hunger to discover the truth of who they truly are as a fully embodied, soulful, successful being.

  • Are ready for a framework and mythology outside of the patriarchal narrative that actively invites them to show up at the table without apology for who they really are.

  • Want to feel alive and aligned with inspiration, creativity and know magic again, including their own.

This is a tribe for the mystical hearts, soul searchers and nurturers, the misfits, rebels, and those who feel the call to live deeper.

We will moves with the natural flow of the Celtic Wheel Of The Year and allows space to integrate the wisdom into your life.

You’ll begin to root yourself into a deeper sense of place and belonging in the world and be able to sustainably devote yourself to living life on purpose as an ancestor in training. So future generations don’t have to dive so deep to have access to these teachings.

You’ll be connected to a small, like hearted community to root for you.

You’ll feel inspired to dive into your heritage and bring practices and ritual into your daily life as you understand and embody the teachings and what’s more, you’ll also feel your ancestral guides supporting you as you remember their stories so no matter where you are and what path you walk, you’ll know that you are never alone.

And you'll feel at home in your own soul knowing.

You’ll begin to root yourself and into a deeper sense of place and belonging in the world.

You will deepen your intuition, self trust and agency.

You’ll be connected to a small, like hearted community to root for you.

This living and embodied program will provide you with practices and rituals to find your own way, to course correct and be held accountable to show up for yourself and bring your unique magic to the world.

And it is a journey that by its inherent nature will stay with you and continue to guide and support you for the rest of your life.

Everyone is welcome here. No matter who you are, where you come from or how you identify, you are welcome to join us!

You do not need to be a teacher or consider yourself a leader to join this program. This is about self agency, there is no previous experience required.

What people are saying

The Celtic Wheel of the Year

  • Samhain

     Wisdom from the Dark

    October/ November

    (Fixed date: 31 October)

  • Winter Solstice

    The Dark Night of The Soul

    (Fixed date: 21 December)

  • Imbolc

    The Power of Manifestation

    Early February

    (Fixed date: 1 February)

  • Spring Equinox

    The Alchemy of Opposites

    (Fixed date: 21 March 2021)

  • Bealtaine

    Cultivating a Creative life

    Early May

    (Fixed date: 1 May)

  • Summer Solstice

    Rhythm, Ritual and Radiance

    (Fixed date: 21 June 2021)

  • Lughnasa

    The Inner Harvest

    Early August

    (Fixed date: 1 August)

  • Autumn Equinox

    The Art of Letting Go

    (Fixed date: 22 September)

We begin at Samhain in October (Celtic New Year) because all things are born from the darkness.

We will set our intentions in alignment with the Celtic New Year, embrace the wisdom of the dark at Winter solstice and through embracing the great dreamtime learn how to listen to the call of our soul.

We will dream with the wise old woman of winter and remerge with the light and clarity as the days length to put those insights, visions and inspirations into reality.

We will find balance between action and rest, of thinking and feeling and of doing and being so we can care for ourselves

We will unpick the self limiting beliefs and reclaim our stories personally and collectively and weave new myths into being.

Belonging Celtic Wisdom + leadership program workshop dates for online masterclasses
Please note the schedule may be subject to slight adjustments. You will be given advanced confirmation of dates and times.  You are encouraged to join the online masterclasses live, however all workshops and practices will be recorded for you to review.

Outer Spiral Masterclasses: Will be held on Monday evenings at 730pm GMT/BST
Samhain + opening ceremony ::: TBC 

Winter Solstice Workshop ::: TBC

Imbolc Workshop ::: TBC

Spring Equinox Workshop ::: TBC

Bealtaine workshop ::: TBC

Summer Solstice ::: TBC

Lughnasadh workshop ::: TBC

Autumn Equinox workshop ::: TBC

Integration + closing ceremony :::TBC

Optional / additional: 4 Celtic Wheel in person facilitation days + full weekend residential retreat Samhain 2025

What’s it all about?

  • Reconnect to the cycles of nature

  • Bring practice and ritual into your everyday life

  • Deepen your intuition and how to work with it

  • Awaken your own innate wisdom

  • Have an ancient framework to work with that is both practical and mystical

  • Belong to a tribe of like minded people and make lasting connections 

  • 8 x masterclasses + 1 integration workshop

  • Community network

  • Exclusive membership area, access to Emma and priority booking for in person gatherings 

What’s the investment?

Journey 1: Online Celtic Wheel Masterclasses: £333 for the whole year

Journey 2: Soul Mentoring: £933

Payment plans: Deposit payment required to save your space with the option to spread remaining investment over a 6 month payment plan.

For Belonging

by John O’Donohue

May you listen to your longing to be free.

May the frames of your belonging be generous enough for your dreams.

May you arise each day with a voice of blessing whispering in your heart.

May you find a harmony between your soul and your life.

May the sanctuary of your soul never become haunted.

May you know the eternal longing that lives at the heart of time.

May there be kindness in your gaze when you look within.

May you never place walls between the light and yourself.

May you allow the wild beauty of the invisible world to gather you,

mind you, and embrace you in belonging.