Learn with me
Programs for presence, pleasure, empowerment and transformation.
Hormonal: A Reclamation
Harness the power of your hormones. This program will become your greatest self care guide to not only manage your menstrual cycle but also your schedule, your stress levels and your sex life so that you thrive.
Pleasure: A Revolution
It’s wild, hot, wet, weird and incredibly normal. The sex education and pleasure revolution from an all female perspective that you never knew you needed.
Belonging: A Celtic Spiral
Ancient wisdom for a new way of living. This is a tribe for the mystical hearts, soul searchers and nurturers, the misfits, rebels, and those who feel the call to live deeper.
Awaken: Pelvic Care & Womb Clearing
An online pelvic care and womb clearing program. Clear out imprints and energetic blockages held in the womb and improve your hormonal health, body literacy and sexual wellbeing.
Yoga Nidra Training
One for the Yoga Teachers, Therapists, Coaches and Health care practitioners. Learn how to confidently and safely guide Yoga Nidra Meditations. Yoga’s faster growing practice around the world.